Take The Initiative! An Army Of Sharp Knives (III)

Xiao Huo nodded and said, "That's right. It is to attack. Just a simple passive defense, of course, we will suffer a great loss, the Devil's clan can knead us as much as they want. However, if we put the battlefield in the territory of the Devils and fight in their provinces. Even break up into parts, at the same time from several directions to take the lead in launching a holy war against the Devil's clan, how do you think the God of Devils will deal with it? Will he dare to ignore us? Absolutely not. What he fears most is that we shake their roots. At that time, they will not lead us by the nose, but we will restrain them in turn. Is it possible that only the Devils can destroy it? Don't Devils always deploy heavy troops near our six fortresses? Then we will operate on these garrison troops of the Devils. Let's see who is more ruthless than the other."