Confronting Yu Longguan (II)

It could be predicted that with the teachings of these nine seniors, the growth of the younger generation of the Warriors Temple must be much better than that of Qiu Yonghao and his generation. These nine Eternal Heroes had won the highest respect from all of the top class.

"Samigina, the Undead Devil God, leads 16 Devil Gods. The commander of the elite army of 500,000 Devils is approaching us day and night. According to the messenger, they will arrive at the southeast fortress in about three days. I invite you here today to discuss specific countermeasures."

Qiu Yonghao's words immediately made the atmosphere in the War Department become tense. Although they had long speculated that as the nearest stronghold to Modu, the God of Devils was likely to make them a priority target. However, the arrival of the Devil army still made the high levels of the Soldiers Temple very nervous.