Youyao Brother's Black Fire (III)

The God of Devil's huge dragon tail arrived and the magical Eyes of Brahma lit up with two completely different colors, purple gold and crystal white. The two lights shone and integrated with the scary power of the God of Devils' body.

The God of Devils was already back in his peak. But Long Haochen just recovered one third of his strength. One was rising quickly and the other was falling behind.

But the strength did not mean everything. The humans could not help Long Haochen because they did not have enough power to join this battle at almost god level. Also they did not have time.

Caier closed her eyes tightly. Her body trembled so violently that almost harmed the practice of the Siamesed Spirit.

And the next moment, a deafening scream rang up. Caier opened her eyes instantly. She was very familiar with everything about Long Haochen but that sound did not belong to him. She would know if it was his voice.