Hao Yue Strikes Back (I)

Long Xingyu and Long Haochen faced each other and Long Haochen saw a trace of relief in his father's eyes. Long Xingyu smiled. Even with the protection of the Sealed Divine Throne of Doom and Slaughter, he could not defend against Austin Griffin's attack, especially since he had used up the power of the throne just now to reach Long Haochen. Without any protection, under Austin Griffin's attack, he was doomed to be killed.

However, Long Xingyu was smiling without any regrets and even was a bit excited. It was because he finally did something for his son, even if he had paid for it with his own life.

"No!" Long Haochen screamed and the nine lines of purple golden marks lit up suddenly. He struggled out of Hao Yue's pressure and held his father by both hands. His body turned 180 degrees in the air.

Long Xingyu's smile froze and the next moment, that bundle of purple lights hit hard on Long Haochen's back.