Saving His Father


Cao Chenghua pointed at Xiao Hai, totally speechless. Who would ask him to refine panaceas in the future?!

Xiao Hai was so embarrassed that he wanted to slap himself. He hadn't expected his secret to be found out. After all, he was only beaten for insulting Gao Yue.

He hadn't expected Jiang Chen to have been keeping quiet about what he had found out.

"You are not my apprentice anymore. From now on, I have nothing to do with you."

"Master!" Xiao Hai screamed, horrified.

Cao Chenghua ignored him. He took a deep breath, looked over to Jiang Wentian and said, "Lord Jiang, it's my bad. I'll compensate for all your losses in the past two years."

"No, no, you don't have to." Seeing such a turnaround, Jiang Wentian felt the turn of events was very exciting.

"Master Cao, you can't let it go like this. They beat the hell out of your apprentice." Gui Ya was very unhappy with what was happening.

"His master is a class six alchemist!"