Spiritual Sword

"Thank you." Jiang Chen's reaction was quite plain. He didn't seem very excited.

Li Lie wondered whether he knew what a class-two panacea meant.

However, if he knew that Jiang Chen used to deal with class-nine panaceas like they were nothing…

After bidding farewell to Murong Feng and Li Lie, Jiang Chen put the panacea into his pocket and started to check the slaughterer's belongings.

He found more things than he had had expected. This slaughterer must have taken all of his property with him when he was exiled.

Among the items were a bow and four yellow small pennants, which Jiang Chen thought looked quite nice.

The bow was of a standard size, about five feet long. What was special about it were the strange patterns on it. The top and bottom of the pattern's design were symmetrical.

This meant it wasn't an average bow, but a ware pattern!