The Martial Saint Mountain

It wasn't easy to join the Natural Law School. People who could join it were only the most exceptional geniuses in the Fire Field.

That was why the new disciples of the Natural Law School became famous rapidly in the dynasty and the Fire Field.

Jiang Chen learned that the recruitment of the Natural Law School was two weeks later, so he decided to find a place to lodge first.

He heard interesting news at an inn.

"If I stay here, I will be well informed," Jiang Chen thought. He asked many questions when the waiter of the inn showed him the way to his room.

"I can tell from your age that you've come here to join a sect or a school. You're asking the right man.

"All sects and schools have a different requirement to recruit disciples. So there is no taboo that you need to avoid, but you have to pay attention to one thing. If you pass the test of a sect or a school, don't go to another secretly. If you're found out, you'll be blacklisted by all the sects and schools.