Long Weapons

Jiang Chen went back to the Two Saints Square. Without Yang Jianwei and the others there, even the atmosphere was much more joyful. The tourists were appreciating the statues or reading the inscriptions on the columns.

Jiang Chen headed for the three well-preserved sword trails.

He stood in front of the stone wall and took a close look at the sword trail. It was a slanting slash that started at the bottom and ended at the top. Even with the influence of time, the section was still very smooth and neat.

There were nine words below: Don't touch, or do so at your own peril.

The warning aroused people's curiosity. Some people tried to poke the trail with a twig, but it broke silently when it got close to the trail.

"It's so powerful!"

Jiang Chen was shocked to see someone in the Nine Heavens Continent had achieved such great swordsmanship. The Martial Saint Mountain was worthy of its name.

"It's a pity that it's so noisy here."