The Lost Soul

The Lost Soul was the best name for this place. The whole world would agree.

The edge of the cliff was no more than ten yards wide. Below was a bottomless abyss. Blocked by the mountain on the opposite side, there was only one thin strip where light could enter.

As a result, it was always gloomy at the Lost Soul.

The wind here sounded like the wails of ghosts and howls of wolves, a sound that could freeze one's blood.

Under solitary confinement at the Lost Soul, one day seemed like a year. This wasn't exaggerating at all.

Generally speaking, solitary confinement at the Lost Soul wouldn't last more than seven days. Jiang Chen's case was really rare. People would only get a month's punishment if they had made a severe blunder.

Jiang Chen had never had such a hard time before, neither in his previous life nor in this life.

But Jiang Chen didn't spend his time grumbling, he took the chance to practice.