Xiao Xiao

Jiang Chen found it interesting that a shy girl was doing business with him, since usually shyness didn't go with business. That was why he was joking around.

But as a result, Wen Meng thought him to be a frivolous guy.

"Apprentice brother, have you brought the panaceas?" Wen Meng said.


Jiang Chen pointed at the table with his right hand. The mustardseed ring on his index finger sparkled. Then three long wooden boxes appeared out of nowhere.

A mustardseed ring?!

This was a sign of nobler people than those who came by airships.

Wen Meng immediately regretted her reaction. It would have been great if she had been able to respond to his joke warmly.

"Apprentice brother, could you introduce these panaceas to me?" Wen Meng said.

Jiang Chen nodded. Meng Hao opened the three wooden boxes, each with more than a hundred panaceas inside. In different colors and sizes, the panaceas were obviously not the same kind.

"These are Black Yuan Elixirs…"