Clashes in the Mine

The mine wasn't far away from the Vermillion Bird City. The four groups arrived at dusk.

They were all practicing, so they didn't need to stop and rest. Although it was growing dark, day or night was all the same in the mine.

It was a big mine. Pits could be seen everywhere.

The groups were led by the four people who had made it out alive. They were led into one of the pits.

According to Wu Fan, there was still a long way to go to reach the passage, so Deagle decided to take advantage of this long trip to please Wen Xin, but she didn't care the least bit.

Jiang Chen noticed each group was leaving marks as they were advancing.

This reminded him that even though they were with Deagle's group, the three of them weren't actually with them and didn't have their own map.

They wouldn't even know how to leave the pit without a guide, let alone that mysterious passage.