Met He Renlong Again

The woman hesitated for a long time, then she suddenly said, "Apprentice brother, what about this?"

Before Jiang Chen could reply, she stood up and took off her protective clothes and everything else she was wearing until she was naked.

Soon, her fair, naked body could be seen in the forest. She had good skin and a good figure.

She smiled at Jiang Chen coquettishly and walked over to him.

He smelled an aroma that opened all of his pores. He felt his blood boiling. He was breathing heavily and eager to hug her into his arms.

"Apprentice brother."

Her voice was gentle, like enchanting music.

Jiang Chen's aggression as a swordsman was disappearing. His eyes wandered in her direction.

The woman grinned at him. There was a dagger hidden behind her back.

When she was only three steps away from Jiang Chen, she raised her right hand casually and the dagger slipped down the inside of her arm.