Travelling Thousands of Miles Alone I

Jiang Chen felt kind of absurd when he saw the City of Bear had been completely ruined, as if he was the only one who had survived doomsday.

There were still some monsters wandering in the city, but they weren't threatening at all.

He stayed in the City of Bear for the next three days, expecting rescuers sent by the school, although he didn't know whether they would come or not.

He didn't dare act on impulse. He had flown out of the City of Bear once and a vulture had chased him for a good couple of miles before he found a basement in the City of Bear to hide in.

Looks like no one will come.

Jiang Chen knew the rules made by the big groups. Those in the Reaching Heaven State weren't allowed to go into the Realm of Beasts, but he didn't give up hope.

"They must think I'm dead," Jiang Chen bitterly thought.

Although he hated the Third Prince to the core, besides the hatred, he also felt helplessness.