Travelling Thousands of Miles Alone VI

Time passes and heals all wounds.

Three months had passed since the end of the adventure to the Realm of Beasts. People had almost forgotten about Jiang Chen.

At that time, everyone in the Fire Field was busy preparing for the competition of the Sacred Institute.

Talented youngsters were practicing diligently.

The adventure in the Realm of Beasts had brought them many benefits. News kept coming from the big schools that their disciples had broken through their states.

Famous geniuses got more attention than anyone else. All of them were ranked among the top fifty on the Eternal Flame List.

For example, Yi Shuihan, a First Apprentice Brother of the Sword Sect of Returning to Oneness, had gone on a solo adventure in the Realm of Beasts and went deep into the most dangerous part. After the adventure, he focused on meditation to comprehend his sword method. Through this method, his Sword Doctrine of Returning to Oneness had greatly improved.