Heading for the Sacred Institute

There was a cloud-capped wooden skyscraper at the Peak of Heavenly King.

On the top floor, Ning Haotian, who had just returned from his trip, was standing by the window, overlooking the nearby mountains from an altitude of more than ten thousand feet. He couldn't help but feel extremely ambitious in front of this view.

He was excited about his gains from the trip. He wished he could start practicing in seclusion right away.

But before that, he had to meet someone first. That was his mother, Su Quan.

It took Su Quan several days to travel to the Natural Law School after she left the pagoda. As Ning Haotian's mother, she arrived at the Peak of Heavenly King smoothly and entered the skyscraper.

"Mother… What happened to you?!"

Ning Haotian saw the palm print on Su Quan's face and flew into a rage.

"It's from that son of a b*tch." Su Quan was also irritated when she recalled what had happened.

"Jiang Chen?! I'm gonna kill him!"