Hero Platform

The same thing happened in the other three courtyards.

Most of the disciples in the other three courtyards hadn't seen the words on the column, but they could see the image of Jiang Chen and Zhuang Fan standing on the Hero Platform. They could see their every movement.

"Ha, I thought the short-term disciples of the west courtyard were more well-behaved, but they're the same."

"Is that Zhuang Fan? What did that short-term disciple do to irritate him?"

"A good show is on. As for what he did, it's not our business."

The disciples in the other three courtyards were in heated discussion. The corridors and the playgrounds were full of people. They were all looking at the image in the air.

On the playground of the east courtyard, one short-term disciple was sweeping the ground when he suddenly noticed what was going on in the air. He was in a daze for a while.