Murong Yuan

Ying Wushuang was always alone, since people elbowed her out everywhere. She was always targeted when she went to places like the Soothing Lake.

As a result, she had almost lost the advantage that she had gained when she had graduated from the Sacred Institute.

If she hadn't finished developing her fourth extraordinary meridian when she had broken through, she would have become mediocre.

It was good enough for her to achieve Cloud Two in such a situation, but in other aspects, like how many turns she could spin her halos of heaven in one second, how hard her protective energy jar was, and the explosiveness of her carrier of martial arts, she was even worse than Reaching Heaven States who hadn't developed any of their extraordinary meridians.

It was all because she couldn't use the practice equipment at the Hero Palace.

But finally, Ying Wushuang had woken up and found the halos of heaven in her Qihai had had made a remarkable improvement.