Transforming the Power

Jiang Chen was anxious, but he knew he shouldn't panic.

He had to stay calm at such a crucial moment.

Jiang Chen tried to make a plan after Nan Gong had left, but it turned out that he had already made it long ago. That was exactly what Project Dark Soldier was for.

However, spurred on by Taoist Priest Skywind's death, he felt it was necessary to execute his plan, and only success would be acceptable; no failure was acceptable.

Jiang Chen had resolved to die for his cause, so he found he had no reason to rush.

He looked towards the two wooden boxes on the table. He took the leaf out and put it into his mouth immediately.

Instantly, his mouth was like a fountain. Endless life energy was produced and flowed into his body.

The whole process was not only painless, but also comfortable, all of his pores open.

Soon, he had a numb and sore feeling all over his body. It happened frequently, but wasn't painful.

Jiang Chen realized the wounds in his body were being healed.