Jiang Qingyu’s Strength

When the last iron chain had been cut open, Jiang Chen took Jiang Qingyu back above ground.

"Father, take this."

Jiang Chen gave him the best recovery panacea, then treated his wounds.

With this aid, Jiang Qingyu soon recovered.

Like a hungry man that had been given a good meal and rest after starving for a long time, he gained his energy back. He looked stunning.

"Son, what has happened?" Jiang Qingyu asked.

Jiang Chen briefly told him what had happened and the crisis they were facing.

"Let's go back."

Jiang Qingyu knew they shouldn't waste any more time after learning the crisis the Southwind Ridge was in, but he didn't panic. He looked serious and calm, which was comforting.

"Son, let me handle it."

Jiang Qingyu patted Jiang Chen's shoulders and flew towards the mountains first.

"A Venerable?"

Jiang Chen was extremely surprised. He hadn't expected his father to be that strong.