Is Genuine Blood Enough

Gao Ke didn't know the details, so he couldn't relax, because once he agreed to start the verdict, the consequences could be unexpected.

Whether Jiang Chen was right or wrong wasn't the most important thing. He was afraid they would use Jiang Chen to attack Gao Yue and force him to accept their offer, but Gao Yan was so aggressive that he couldn't say no.

"Okay." Gao Ke had to agree.

What a pity.

Jiang Chen glanced at Lily, lying on the ground, and thought to himself, She was so young, but she gave up her practice to participate in such a thing, willing to be another's chess piece.

Someone had ordered her to kill him. That someone also knew that she might have been killed by him, but he didn't care.

Jiang Chen felt like his pity for her was only crocodile tears, so he shook his head, as if he was trying to shake off the idea.