Back to the Hero Palace

"Cut the crap! You're dead meat!"

The middle-aged man was so angry that he burst into laughter. He shook his head and looked at Jiang Chen with stronger killing intent.

The others also looked at him coldly.

Surprisingly, Jiang Chen said to them in a helpless tone, "Go back. Let's bring an end to this affair."

But he only received scoffs and firmer killing intent in reply.

"Stop pretending to be tough. If you're afraid, kneel down and beg for our mercy to show your regret. I might keep your corpse intact," the middle-aged man said.

"So there's no room to negotiate?" asked Jiang Chen.

"Exactly. You're dead meat today, no matter who comes to your rescue!" the middle-aged man said sternly.

"Yeah?" a low and powerful voice boomed like thunder In the direction the Zhaos had come from.

The Zhaos were shocked. Jiang Chen was the only one who wasn't surprised. None of them had noticed there was someone hiding in the dark.