I’m the Class Leader

Of course it was annoying that he was sizing up a girl with a strange smile in such an unbridled manner.

Jiang Chen reacted in time. His look met Yin Shuang's unhappy one, but he pretended he didn't notice it and nodded at her amicably.

Yin Shuang was surprised. Out of her professional habit as an auctioneer, she also smiled at him in response.

Then Jiang Chen looked around. Yin Shuang was a little embarrassed and thought it was her who had been too mean.

More and more people came. There were fifty-three people in the end.

This number was beyond Jiang Chen's expectation, as it was it for the others.

"What's wrong? Aren't there normally about thirty people? Why are there so many people in our class?" someone complained.

"Perhaps too many people passed. After all, they make money from the class. It's normal to have so many people," someone expressed his understanding of the situation.