Stone Carving

"No matter what the class leader's choice is, he helped you, didn't he? You're cutting off your nose to spite your face!" Tianxu was angry to see so many people hesitating, so he defended Jiang Chen against the injustice.

"Hehe, no one asked him to do it. He was the one who wanted to show off. Besides, it was his responsibility as class leader," Yuchi Hong scorned.

Some couldn't help nodding in agreement with him.

Before Tianxu could speak, Jiang Chen glanced at everyone around and said in a plain tone, "Air your opinions. I'll keep helping those who need my advice. As for those who don't need it, it's all right." He wasn't irritated.

Since he had said so, some people came forward to thank him for his help and expressed their pity.

They were the polite ones. Some others didn't even bother to say thanks. They genuinely thought it had been Jiang Chen's duty to help them.

In the end, only Tianxu and Yin Shuang chose to trust Jiang Chen.