Influential Men’s Party Time

Due to the secret treasure, the martial arts workshop wasn't as crowded anymore, even a bit lethargic.

Just then, a group of people entered the workshop from the air.

It seemed like the martial arts workshop had been prepared for it. As soon as they showed up, some people from the workshop flew into the air to receive them.

"Is Yuchi Hong's body here?"

The group had more than twenty people, men and women. All with very similar features, it was apparent they were from the same family.

They were all wearing ghost holy armor and acting very aggressive.

"Yes," the martial arts workshop admitted.

"Did you kill him?"

The Yuchis' looks turned extremely sharp when they posed the question.


The martial arts workshop took out a recording reel and played a long video, starting from the first quarrel between Yuchi Hong and Jiang Chen, which had happened in the yard.