Holy Dragon Ball

After walking dozens of feet along the passage, they finally came to the interior of the mountain. It was very dark, but they could feel that there was a very wide area before them.

There were many slots on the walls, through which a special kind of kerosene was flowing.

Jiang Chen flicked his fingers and a flame appeared in a slot. Fires rose immediately, one after another, and illuminated the space.

The sudden light made Jiang Chen and Leng Chuixue very uncomfortable. They stayed extremely alert.

Two seconds later, the two were shocked by the view before them.

There was an enormous underground palace in there, broad in scale. It had corridors and side halls.

Many years had passed, but it hadn't lost any of its majesty or grandeur. It didn't even look old.

Of course, no one was there, so it was very quiet.

"This is so new. Even if a person walked out of there, I wouldn't find it strange," said Leng Chuixue.