The Murongs’ Anger

The Sacred Daily published Jiang Chen's fight invitation the next day with the right time and the right location, but the paper added a comment saying that he had been irritated and was eager to prove himself, and this was proof of his guilty conscience.

Ying Wushuang was annoyed, but she could do nothing about it.

She wondered what the paper would say after the next day.

The next day, the day on which Jiang Chen had planned the fight, he needed to go to the Sacred Institute to give a lecture first.

When Jiang Chen arrived there, he really wanted to run away immediately, since the Sacred Institute had not only gathered all of the disciples of the four courtyards, but also invited all of the important groups in the Sacred City, so Yin Shuang was there.

Yin Shuang was looking at him with a mysterious smile.