Cloudy Mountain Formation

As soon as Jiang Chen looked back, he saw Meng Shuiyan following him.

Behind her, the disciples of the Tai Yue School were trying extremely hard to chase them.

But Jiang Chen's real concern was Li Yaqin. Fortunately, she hadn't caught up with him.

Precisely speaking, she was tagging along behind him, but wasn't trying very hard to chase him.

The reason was simple—she was saving her energy for a fight.

As the attainments of martial arts practitioners got higher, it became more complicated to decide life or death or gain victory. These things just couldn't be decided by one sword or knife attack.

The final result depended on too many things.

For example, in the case of two well-matched Venerables, as long as one of them wanted to, they could hide in one place and be unconquerable with the aid of tactical formations.

Even if they were found outside of a tactical formation, it also mattered who was with them.