If I Can’t Make It, You Can’t Make It, Either

"Zhengyi, why did you say that?" Wang Qiang said.

But Tang Zhengyi still looked very resolute. He didn't change his mind.

"What if I beat him?" said Jiang Chen.

"Beat Zhang Tianyi?" Tang Zhenyi wasn't even sure who Jiang Chen was referring to. His lack of confidence in Jiang Chen was obvious.


"I gather that's impossible." Tang Zhengyi said what he thought. "But if you really win, it'll be the Red Flame Battalion's honor. In that case, we'll be cowards if we're still afraid that he'll play dirty moves against us."

"So why are you in such a hurry? We'll see the result the day after tomorrow. Besides, do you think he'll allow me to stay in the army if he defeats me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tang Zhengyi and others were stunned.

They hadn't expected Jiang Chen to understand things so thoroughly, and although he knew the possible gains and losses, he still had such ease. His smile didn't seem false to them.