Departure of the Main Forces!

Jiang Chen saw some captains like Tang Zhengyi reporting when he arrived at Qiu Yan's tent.

"Commander, we had too many casualties. The Cooling Formation can't exert the power it used to exert anymore. It has too many flaws," said Tang Zhengyi.

Furrowing her brow, Qiu Yan fell deep into thought.

The current situation of the Red Flame Battalion relieved her of her sorrows. She began to face the problems they had.

"Commander, I have a way to resolve it, and it'll make the formation even more powerful," Jiang Chen said directly without beating around the bush.

"You want to make a change to the formation?"

Qiu Yan instantly knew what he was going to do. Shaking her head, she said, "The formation can't be changed by just us. The Cooling Formation needs the other battalions' cooperation. Sometimes when the legion switches on its great formation, the Cooling Formation is a part of it, too."