
As soon as the Red Flame Battalion entered the shooting range of the crossbows, the wall of light appeared again. Arrows rained on them.

These arrows weren't very destructive. The thing was, they could be shot repeatedly. They would finally reach the battalion the same way an ant would bite an elephant to death.

Although the Red Flame Battalion was in the fire cloud of their formation, it didn't mean their defense was perfect.

The rain of arrows could tear the fire cloud apart in a few seconds. The Red Flame Battalion had to figure a way to avoid this.

The fire cloud transformed into wild flames, ignoring the rain of arrows.

The arrows were shot into the flames, but they were burnt down to ashes while travelling through the outer layer.

"No wonder."

Zhao Wenhao finally realized what was going on. The Red Flame Battalion didn't need any help because they could destroy those arrows with merely the high temperature of the flames.