A Great Gap

Outside the city, there was open land with nowhere to hide. Charging in the front, the elite team was soon discovered.

Almost 100 crossbows shone in the distance. The light emitted by them covered every inch outside the city in a range of 30 miles. Endless arrows showered down.

The elite team was like a silver beam, shining and solid. All of the arrows bounced off of them, leaving endless rattling sounds behind.

"Military counselor?" After going up to the military counselor of the Black Dragon Troop, the senior general responsible for the defense of the city spoke in a tone that begged for instructions.

He had been the supreme commander of the city, but the military counselor had taken over from him after his arrival.

Anyone would have been unhappy with that, and this military counselor didn't look like a military man at all. He was only good at tactical formations and wards.