The Portal to the Realm of True Force

What had really happened was different from what Zhao Wenhao and the others had thought. Jiang Chen had figured out a solution right away.

He was able to demolish the ward, but it would be more difficult than the deploying it was, not to mention that he only had 100 soldiers from the Red Flame Battalion.

He would have been at his wit's end if he hadn't had the eight exploitation vehicles with him. In that case, he would have left the battlefield as quickly as possible.

When the team came back to the periphery of the city, Jiang Chen confirmed his assumptions.

The Third Legion had used spies. However perfect his plan was, he wouldn't have been able to anticipate that.

"The ward has been successfully deployed. The battlefield will be dominated by the Dragon Rebel Army soon. With our current ability, we'll only be able to save the three troops and the four battalions," Jiang Chen said.