The Nine Underworlds Flame

Before Zhao Pojun fought, he said to the Holy Martial Arts City's people that they didn't need to worry about him, and that he would surely uphold True Force Realm's geniuses honor, yet in the end, he lost miserably, and he was still unconscious even now, so it wasn't surprising that Duke Yan would attack Jiang Chen for such a reason.

However, Duke Yan didn't expect that not only didn't he manage to kill Jiang Chen, he also let this matter get out of hand.

Even after Duke Yan pondered over it for a long while, he still couldn't understand where did Jiang Chen get his confidence from, and it was only when he heard the crowd's discussions did he understood everything.

The person, who just spoke was Ning Haotian, who also came from the Nine Heavens Realm like Jiang Chen, and his words should be quite trustworthy.