The Orioles Behind Them

Jiang Chen, and his sword, who were burning with flames capable of setting a prairie afire, charged at Sea Conqueror Jiang aggressively.

Sea Conqueror Jiang responded at the last juncture, and folded his palms together once again. His hands golden arcs became more dazzling, and his palms energy even shook the ground around him.

However, Jiang Chen's raging flames were closing on him, and they possessed a great imposing manner.

Sword Doctrine's power unceasingly surged out of the Redcloud Sword, and black knife of Jiang Chen, who was among the flames.

When his sword and knife collided against the palms once again, Jiang Chen took the upper hand this time, and as golden arcs flickered around, Sea Conqueror Jiang's feet slid back by several meters.

Jiang Chen didn't leave him even enough time to gasp for breath, and used the Fire Sword Realm once again.

"If we were both Spiritual Venerable, then he would be able of killing me easily."