A Tough Man

This wasn't enough. Great amounts of flames surged from Jiang Chen's Redcloud Sword, tumbling along the blade.

"What is that?!"

Most people didn't know what was Fire Sword Realm, but they could tell this wasn't simply an enchant fire.

"Fire Sword Realm! He is an inheritor of sword doctrine. And he knows the force of lore!"

Cheng Lu's reaction was almost the same as Song Zhe's.

What was different was she had a crush on Jiang Chen as soon as she was convinced. She felt dizzy.


Jiang Chen raised his right arm, too. The black knife came back into his hand from Yi Chen.

A knife and a sword ­ a quite confusing combination.

However, when he had exerted the Wind Sword Realm, everyone on the scene went crazy.

"Wind and Fire Swords Wheel!"

It only took him two seconds. When the momentum of the sword had been completely exerted, he dashed into the air.