A Single Use

Flying was many martial arts practicers' wish and goal before they even started practicing.

Human beings had too many limitations. We spent our entire life living at the bottom of the world. It wasn't exaggerated at all to say we were like frogs living at the bottom of a well.

Not until some capable people had managed to find ways to fly was the situation changed.

By then we could fly over sea or anywhere else.

We human beings had freed ourselves from the restriction of terrains. We were at liberty.

However, it was dangerous to fly. High up in the sky, even grand Venerables could die if they fell without any protections.

As a result, practicers had never stopped the quest for a safe and reliable way to fly.

By then, they mainly consumed the spirits of the universe to fly, while their own energies were only used as an additional help.

In this way, they wouldn't be exhausted easily. It also made in-air fights possible.