Young Master Madness

"I really want to see how can you take care of this." Mu Qitian leaned forward, and put his hands on the back of the seat before him, as expectation appeared in his eyes.

Two Celestial Venerables of Treasure Auction House walked out. One of them sheathed the Lightning Sword, while the other went to Jiang Chen's front, bowed, and said, "Guest, please come here."

Jiang Moliang, who was next to him, just crossed her hands before her chest, and didn't state anything.


Jiang Chen didn't need her to state anything. He stood up, and followed the two Celestial Venerable to a side-room next to the auction house's platform.

"We should be prepared to bide for it once again," Someone on a first-class seat spoke mockingly, and a peal of laughter rose from the surrounding in response.

If the bidder wasn't capable of paying it, the auctioned object would be auctioned once again.

As for the fate of the bidder? It would be needless to mention it.