The Elixir Emperor

The contest's rules were as follows: The Elixir Fire Union and the Elixir Association would each send ten youthful alchemists to pass three exams, and the factions that had the highest number of people passing all exams successfully would win.

The faction that would lose would need to hand over one of the ten greatest alchemy techniques. Regardless of which one lost or won, it would still cause a great impact.

Once the new faction, Elixir Fire Union, got the victory, it would become renowned and would snatch the Elixir Association's position in the Three Middle Realms. However, once it lost, it would suffer a devastating blow that it might never recover from.

The contest was set for several days, and before it started no one would get to know the three tests' contents, and no one could prepare for it in advance. Hence, this is why Jiang Chen was allowed to wander around as he wished.

Jiang Chen left his room, looking for the Ji family's sisters.