Senior Brother

Jiang Chen found the voice to be quite familiar, and he was sure that it was someone he knew. He quickly thought back to one person, and he raised his head suddenly as disbelief appeared on his face.

The Nine Dragons' Aura engulfing this group of people dissipated, and they could now clearly see the person who had just spoken.

Li Nanxing! It was exactly the person whom Jiang Chen had just thought of. He was the Nine Heavens Realm's Sacred Institute's most outstanding disciple, and he had become a Venerable before Jiang Chen. He had gone out to make his way in the world, and he hadn't seen him again.

Even when the Sacred Institute suffered great troubles later, no one saw him again.

Moreover, even when Jiang Chen went to the Realm of Milky and the True Force Realm, he didn't find his senior brother. He had assumed then that he already died, or that he had concealed his identity and was cultivating peacefully in some other land.