To Be Omnipotent

"Miss Chen Xi, would Jiang Chen's result still be great in the Three Upper Realms?" A man from the Elixir Fire Union asked. They were quite reluctant to accept the reality.

"Pretty good. I spent one whole minute to subdue the little burning man." Chen Xi was staring at Jiang Chen while speaking.

She told others about her record so that they would realize how brilliant Jiang Chen's record was. He was even better than the Elixir Emperor's descendant!

The Heaven Alchemists of the Elixir Fire Union looked at each other, speechless. The Elixir Association also changed their opinions about Jiang Chen. Just like Yan Ruyu, the other nine participants had been skeptical of Jiang Chen to different degrees. They thought the Elixir Association was using him to blow smoke at them.

However, he just showed how great he was in such a casual way.