The Doctrine Palace

The next day, rumors about the problems between Jiang Chen and Wu Ziming also spread. According to those who were there, Jiang Chen was arrogant and impolite to the Wind Spirit genius. Wu Ziming would not put up with him anymore, so he attacked Jiang Chen to teach him a lesson. And Jiang Chen was injured.

"He was only injured?"

People were surprised when they heard this. They did not mock Jiang Chen. Some people even admired him. It was because of Wu Ziming's strength and background. Average people usually would not end up well in a conflict with him.

"Jiang Chen has a strong body." This was the conclusion they drew.

Jiang Chen felt there was nothing to say about all this. He did not enjoy such compliments at all. Some people would challenge strong people and take pride in being able to come out of it safely, but he was not one of them. Neither did he think Wu Ziming was as strong as everyone seemed to think.