One Flaming Lotus And Another

People thought it was because Jiang Chen had no idea where to start that he let the fire burn.

"It'll be good enough if you can get even one flaming lotus. Maybe none of those from the Elixir Fire Union will make it." Someone said in a sarcastic tone. People burst out laughing.

Jiang Chen walked ahead with his hands open, as if he had heard all the vicious comments. As he walked, the ten fire pillars started to flicker, as if they were in a strong wind.

"What is he up to?"

People were both surprised and puzzled to see what he was doing. Although they had some assumptions, it was too crazy an idea for them to believe.

"Is he going to work on the ten flaming lotuses at the same time?!"

Not until they found everyone else was having the same ideas did they burst out exclaiming. Those from the Elixir Fire Union and the Elixir Association all held their breaths, staring at Jiang Chen.