The Spiritual Lady And The Spiritual Son

Many people had come to the outside of the island in large numbers. There were more than several hundred people there. They weren't all there to attack Jiang Chen; some of them were here just to join in the fun. At the head were several people, who possessed a rich spiritual energy and were shining in dazzling divine light. It could be seen with a single look that dealing with them wasn't going to be easy.

The person who had just shouted at them was a man clad in scarlet battle armor. He was overbearing, and fire clouds were surging around him. A blazing ring was around his eyes, and it seemed like they would shoot fire at any moment.

"He is really powerful! He immediately called out Jiang Chen; he didn't show him any respect at all.

"He is Huo Lingtian, and he claims that he dares to burn even Heaven."

"I wonder whether Jiang Chen dares to come out?"

The people started whispering to each other and discussing this matter.