Boundless Fire Domain

A stone appeared in Jiang Zhe's hand. However, since he was the young master of the Jiang family, it was obviously not an ordinary stone.

"A Star Stone!"

When the crowd sighted this stone, which had distinct, sharp edges, they were all fascinated. It was more eye-catching than any treasure and had a cyan surface, which was filled with veined patterns emitting faint light. It was rumored that if one took out a Star Stone in darkness, one would feel like one was looking at a starry river. This stone was obviously not just pretty; it was a rare treasure for all cultivators.

Tian Ling was attracted to it at first, but hesitation quickly appeared on her face.

"We have known each other for so long, and, even though we have ended up estranged, we haven't drawn a line separating us, have we?" Jiang Zhe spoke hurriedly. If she didn't accept his gift, she would be drawing a dividing line between them. Tian Ling didn't have any choice at this moment.