A Giant Bomb

Under many gazes, the six masked Spirits seemed to freeze. They did not move again for a long time. All of the Spirits felt relieved. They had been afraid that the six would turn into sand.

"I'm scared out of my wits." The Spiritual Son of the Fire Spirit touched himself. He felt relieved when he found he was not injured.

"What the hell? Did he only want to scare us?"

"He is stalling for time!"

It turned out that the sword attack of Jiang Chen's was only used to prevent them from another round of successive attacks. He forced himself to exert that sword movement to hide himself. However, that sword was not useless. When the six masked Spirits intended to attack Jiang Chen, they were suddenly petrified. Staying where they were, they did not dare move at all. Each of them heard slight cracks.

The onlookers saw their masks breaking rapidly, including the bronze mask of the Spiritual Son of the Flame Spirit.
