The End of the Title Battle

A dark seed was germinating in Jiang Chen's Holy Awareness, and many tentacle-like roots were stretching out of it.

A demonic seed? His opponent had sent it into his body when his hand struck him, and Jiang Chen immediately recalled all the information he had learned about demonic techniques. This seed would leave a power in the enemy's body, and when the enemy displayed his greatest power, it would steal his whole energy. In the end, the seed, as well as the enemy's entire power, would go back into the hurler's body. It was an extremely devilish technique to steal someone else's power.

After a short while, the power of Jiang Chen's Doctrine Heart disappeared, and his body's power started quickly leaving him. Jiang Chen used his lightning techniques, and lightning's flickering sound echoed throughout his body, but, unfortunately, it couldn't obstruct the proliferation of the demonic seed.

"It is useless! It is already too late."