
Many people on the scene had never heard about Enlightenment Tea. Not until other people told them about it did they know what it was. However, since Jiang Chen had put Enlightenment Tea aside, they did not even have the chance to take another look at it.

Jealousy was driving Tang Tianjun crazy. He felt Jiang Chen was the nemesis of his life. "He is just lucky. No big deal." He disagreed with the whole world. He did not want others to say he was jealous, so he said it without opening his mouth. The voice came from his body. People could not even tell whether it was a man or a woman. However, everyone knew it was someone from the Tangs.

"Luck? Can you have this kind of luck?" Before Jiang Chen could respond, someone stood on his side to answer for him. It was the Star Venerable.