The Proud of All Races!

The Divine Heaven Soldier could not stop the divine body that had broken the curse either. When the golden armor had started to fall apart, Ning Haotian screamed in pain.

Holding their breaths, the people in the city could not believe what they had just witnessed.

"This shouldn't have happened. I am the strongest one!" Opening his eyes wide, Ning Haotian was still reluctant to admit his defeat. He hated Jiang Chen to the core. He shouted, "I started in the Realm of Nine Heavens and am finally here. Why can you never leave me alone?!"

Smiling coldly, Jiang Chen did not speak. Some people just will never realize they are the ones who are responsible for the problems.

Suddenly, Ning Haotian's body trembled. As if he had been emptied, he became as weak as mud.

"It's Kalpa of Seeds of Love?"

Seeing the crystal-clear thin threads that had appeared behind Ning Haotian, Jiang Chen looked toward the Treasure Pavilion down below.