The True Body

One hour earlier, Li Yujian had been surprised at Jiang Chen's crazy idea. The Xuan Ling Qi she had acquired through practicing only belonged to her. She could not give it to another person. Otherwise, if the Sacred Lord gave his one-day practicing result to his juniors, a large number of strong people would be created. In the way of pursuing the spirit of martial arts, this was not how practicing worked.

If she really tried to do it, maybe nothing would happen to her, but the constellation river in Jiang Chen's body would be absolutely severely injured.

"Just do what I tell you." Jiang Chen insisted on going against nature. He was somehow very confident.

"The Xuan Ling Qi I call from my body is very destructive," Li Yujian said. "It will destroy your constellation palace after entering your constellation river. Are you clear about that?"

"Isn't that good for you?" Jiang Chen replied, smiling.