Strong Practitioners Ranked on the Human List

Fan Tianyin came up to Jiang Chen in an elegant manner. She wanted to get closer to look at him. But, to her surprise, Jiang Chen opened his eyes and let out a deep sigh, as if something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?" Fan Tianyin asked with a caring look.

"Without rivals among Star Venerables. What a lonely life."

Fan Tianyin blinked. Gazing at Jiang Chen's pitiful face, she was speechless. But she detected cunning deep in his eyes. She pretended she was going to punch him.

Jiang Chen grasped her wrist while getting to his feet. Then he looked normal again. It seemed like he was always smiling, as if he could find interesting things that average people could not find.

"I'll illuminate the First Constellation Palace soon," Fan Tianyin said.